How We Are Formed, Pt. 1

community group guide

Vision Series Session 7: How We Are Formed, Pt. 1

INTRO: (2-3 minutes)

Welcome to Community Group! Start off by introducing everyone in the group and then praying and asking the Holy Spirit to move and guide the conversation for the evening.

As we continue in our Vision Series, our goal today is to discuss how Gospel change happens in us. Let us focus now on us as individuals and how God works in us to bring about change.

DISCUSSION: (10-15 minutes)

SAY the following: We have all experienced some sort of change in our lives that end up lasting for only a short time. These changes may have been diets, exercise, parenting strategies, studying techniques, etc. While change can be good and necessary, if it’s not lasting then it may not be coming from the proper source. 

ASK the group:

Describe a time when you tried implementing a change that didn’t end up lasting.

A. What made you want to change? 

B. Did it affect you or someone else by not lasting?

After discussing, have someone read Philippians 2:12-13

“Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”

SAY the following: Every single day of our lives we are being targeted by an onslaught of political groups, marketing campaigns and trends that tell us we need to change. To be fair, some of the claims may be true. But the reason for the change or the plan for doing so is where the problem often lies. 

The power to experience genuine and lasting change comes from God. With that said, when we allow God to work His power in us we do much more than just change our behavior--we are transformed. If we only change our behavior, we know that it can be reversed and it may not last. But when real transformation happens there is no reversal. Transformation means that we are a “new creation” in Christ. 

As we walk in obedience and remain in a posture of reverence and awe (“fear and trembling”) before God, we see His ability to ensure that our salvation is being put into practice. We no longer get blown about by different calls to change. Instead, we intentionally and purposefully pursue God (“work out our own salvation”) in a way that produces a transformation in us that then gives us the ability to transform the spaces where we live, work and play.      

Therefore, if we want to see the things around us change then we have to understand it starts within ourselves. Our dependence is not on a certain group of people, new law or social reform. If we are abiding in Jesus and walking in obedience then transformation is the only logical outcome. 

APPLICATION: (approx. 10-15 minutes)

Spend some time discussing areas you see in our society where change is being encouraged or demanded. How would individuals focusing on their own personal change help to implement those societal changes? 

Now take a couple minutes to think about and then discuss an area in your community where you personally would like to see change. How can you spark that change? What do you think needs to change in your life first?

After you have discussed the area you would like to see change, write down one to two action steps you will take this week to begin sparking that change. Share these action steps with either the group or with one other person and ask them to pray for you throughout the week. Remember, there may be change that needs to happen in YOU first. 

CLOSING: (5-10 minutes)

Take prayer requests and close in prayer.

Jason Rumbough