The Need for Ministry Partners

At HOPE Church, we believe that we can accomplish more for the Kingdom when we work together with other churches and organizations who view the Gospel as their driving force. We have no interest in reinventing the wheel or attempting to compete with others so that our name be exalted. It is our understanding that we are but a part of the larger body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) and that our time and resources are stewarded best when we can work alongside ministries who are already invested in certain areas of our community.

What is a Ministry Partner?

A ministry partner is a parachurch organization who is committed to meeting the needs of the community in and around Nashville and the world. They have a proven track record of faithful stewardship and effective ministry strategies. The mission of a ministry partner must be in line with our mission statement as a church.   

Our Commitment to Ministry Partners

Our leadership and congregants work alongside partners in order to help them carry out the Kingdom duties and mission which God has entrusted to them. Our Connections Pastor and appointed Connector remain in regular contact with our partners in order to assess needs and communicate service opportunities to the members of HOPE Church. 

We are committed to serving our ministry partners in the following three areas:

  • Prayer - HOPE Church is committed to regularly praying for the needs of the ministry partner and the people they serve. 

  • Service - HOPE Church is committed to physically serving regularly with our ministry partner in order to help support them in their work. 

  • Finances - HOPE Church is committed to giving monthly financial support to all our ministry partners with a portion of our outreach budget.

Ministry Partners

Jonah’s Journey

Nurturing Hope for the Nations

People Loving Nashville

H.U.S.T.L.E. Recovery

Tom Joy Elementary