Goal #3: Doing What Jesus Did

community group guide

Vision Series Session 5: Doing What Jesus Did

INTRO: (2-3 minutes)

Welcome to Community Group! Start off by introducing everyone in the group and then praying and asking the Holy Spirit to move and guide the conversation for the evening.

Let’s continue looking at the HOPE Church Mission Statement together:

“We exist to bring HOPE to our community by practicing the way of Jesus until it is in Nashville as it is in Heaven.”

DISCUSSION: (10-15 minutes)

SAY the following: Over the last few weeks we have been developing new (or strengthening current) rhythms that create the space for us to “be with Jesus” and to “be like Jesus”. However, if we do not put Jesus’ words into actual practice we’ve missed the point entirely.

ASK the group:

Did you ever have a moment in your life when you said you would do something but you never followed through with it?

A. Did it create tension in any of your relationships?

B. What did it take for you to actually start doing it?

After discussing, have someone read Matthew 7:21-23

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’”

SAY the following: It is so easy for us to simply busy ourselves with filling up our minds with knowledge or familiarity when it comes to Jesus’ teachings and assume that we are finished. It is similar to learning about what a spouse or close friend needs to feel loved and cherished but never actually doing anything about it. Our call is not just to know Jesus but to be his hands and feet.

Being an apprentice to Jesus is a three-dimensional journey - be with Jesus, be like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Without all three of these working in unison, we cannot experience the fullness of life. Furthermore, and most importantly, we cannot “enter the Kingdom of heaven.”

This is a very weighty reality to face, but we cannot pretend it isn’t present in the Scriptures. As weighty as it is though, it is not impossible. In fact, it’s not even out-of-reach. As long as we are rooted in the Vine (Jesus), and allow the fruit of the Spirit to be produced in us then we do not have anything to fear.

It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to do what Jesus did. The chains he broke in our lives were not simply for our own freedom--our chains were broken so that we could see the chains on others and help to set them free as well.

APPLICATION: (approx. 10-15 minutes)

Look again at the ten categories of things Jesus did: 1. Preached the Gospel 2. Taught the way/made apprentices 3. Healed the sick 4. Cast out demons 5. Ate/drank with people who were far from God 6. Did justice 7. Made peace 8. Prayed 9. Prophesied 10. Stood up against religious/political corruption.

ASK the group: Which of these things do you feel you do well/comes naturally to you? Which things are more difficult? Pick one of the ten categories and write it down on your phone.

As you continue practicing the Examen over the next week, spend a few minutes asking God to grow you in this area. Then, schedule a time that you are going to act on it.

CLOSING: (5-10 minutes)

As you close in prayer, remember this is a journey. These things do not happen overnight. If you do not have the opportunity to put it into practice this week, it’s ok. If you are genuinely seeking God in this journey then the opportunities to do what Jesus did will be evident. But it’s up to YOU to actually do it.

Jason Rumbough