Goal #2: Becoming Like Jesus

community group guide

Vision Series Session 4: Becoming like Jesus

INTRO: (2-3 minutes)

Welcome to Community Group! Start off by introducing everyone in the group and then praying and asking the Holy Spirit to move and guide the conversation for the evening.

Let’s continue looking at the HOPE Church Mission Statement together:

“We exist to bring HOPE to our community by practicing the way of Jesus until it is in Nashville as it is in Heaven.”

DISCUSSION: (10-15 minutes)

SAY the following: We know from the sermon that having knowledge about Jesus does not equal understanding what it means to live like him. With understanding comes the ability to put certain things into practice in order to begin bearing fruit.

ASK the group:

Can you recognize any patterns or ruts in your life that you seem to not be able to break from?

A. Can you identify a reason behind why those patterns or ruts have formed (stress, childhood, present


B. How does becoming like Jesus bear fruit in that area?

After discussing, have someone read John 15:1-4 :

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”

SAY the following:

As apprentices of Jesus, we cannot bear fruit unless we are abiding in him. Attempting to bear fruit on our own and disconnected from him is what can lead us into cycles of depression, anxiety, shame, guilt, etc.

For many of us, we were raised in a church or household that taught us that busyness was a sign of success or being a “Christian”. As a result, many of us have seen or have ourselves experienced really tough situations when someone realizes the emptiness of doing things just for the sake of doing them or to look a certain part.

Pruning is a tough but VERY necessary part of abiding in Jesus. Just as a tree needs to be pruned to bear sweeter and more plentiful fruit so we must be pruned for the same result. We all have certain beliefs about ourselves or others, certain traditions or certain habits that need to be pruned. The more we allow this process to take place, the more we can see God bring fruit into previously barren places.

But remember, the pruning is not up to us. All we have to do is be open and willing to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us. We need to put in the effort to create that space but he will do the pruning. Practicing things like the Examen can really help us to create that space.

APPLICATION: (approx. 10-15 minutes)

Have the men and women break off into their own group. Once you are settled, DISCUSS an area in your life where you feel the Holy Spirit may be trying to prune you. How is this area currently keeping you from becoming like Jesus? Can you describe what fruit may come from allowing that area to be pruned?

CLOSING: (5-10 minutes)

Jot a quick note down on your phone with the names of the people in your group. Commit to praying for each of those members at least once a day during the next week. You might find it helpful to pray for them after you do your Examen.

Try to remember to write at least one encouraging text over the next week as well to each of your brothers or sisters to lift them up and remind them they are not alone. Close in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to move in each of you deeply throughout the next week.

Jason Rumbough